Abbigail Knowlton Israelsen
Story OneStory One InstallationStory Two Story Two DetailStory ThreeCranbrook Summer Student ExhibitionCranbrook Summer Student ExhibitionAbbigail Israelsen and Julie Prokop
Yarn Tricks
Yarn Tricks is a collaborative between the artists Abbigail Knowlton Israelsen and Julie M. Prokop. Yarn Tricks build upon instinctive stories the artists write to one another generated through the fantastic and bizarre realms of their subconscious. Working within a set of rules, the artists respond with visual portrayals to each narrative written by the other. The artwork questions historical sequence and organized structure in storytelling both written and illustrative. The everyday materials used including markers, pencils, copy paper, and post its work to build a connection and commonality with the viewer. Familiar household supplies are utilized to create a sense of triviality and hierarchy within each piece.

Reflecting on dreams, fables, fibs, biblical accounts, and personal experiences the drawings establish a new chronicle of tales. The portrayal of each story relies heavily on intuition, humor, and mood. Yarn Tricks drawings are secretive, deceptive, unspoken and sometimes naïve. The intuitive choices in relation to the automatic writing stem from lessons learned in childhood, early experiences, and juvenile understandings of adult situations and topics. These pictures explore beyond the definite and enter into the mysterious and transformative properties of our imagination.